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What is the difference between omnichannel and multichannel retailing?

  1. Multi-channel retailing is the practice of selling products to customers through more than one distribution channel (e.g, in-store, app, 3rd party marketplace, and online). The customer experience can be and is often different between the two channels due to inventory concerns, staffing, marketing rollouts, etc.
  2. Omni-channel retailers seek to provide a consistent (as possible) customer experience while retailing through any number of distribution channels simultaneously. Retailers achieve omnichannel by having a single view of the customer and product. This usually means avoids having multiple customer, product, promotion, pricing, content, etc databases for consistency and reporting of that single view. Customers are tracked simultaneously across all channels. Lastly, omnichannel retailers work to execute seamless marketing and branding campaigns for a constant experience.
    1. Multi-Channel means providing a different platform like web, mobile, etc. to facilitate the sale of products/item
    2. Omni-Channel is a step above Multi-Channel. Omni-Channel dictates that we should provide the same brand experience irrespective of channel/medium customer choose

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By Michael Cristancho

I'm a Digital Commerce and Experience evangelist who enjoys engaging in thought-provoking conversation and mutual exploration. I am a strong believer that learning never ends, and each day brings another opportunity to grow as an individual and professional.