Every Ecommerce Manager is unique and their role tailored to their company’s needs. Below is the basic recipe of how to bake your skills to become a success!
- 1 x Person
- 1 x Online company
- Passion for the product/products
- Business plan
- Ability to analyse and problem solve
- Skills in listening to the consumer
- Knowledge of SEO
- A good grasp of web design, graphics and how a business is run
- Military organisation skills
- Excellent interpersonal skills
- Forward-thinking, ability to identify the next up and coming thing or look
- Inspiration
- Drive
First of all, gather all the above ingredients together. Measurements aren’t specified as each Ecommerce Manager is unique and their role tailored to their company’s individual needs. Below is the basic recipe of how you can bake your skills to become a success!
Begin by getting out your ability to foresee trends. You will need this to keep things fresh and exciting. Work this skill in with your design team to create something that will stand out to the client, you want to research your specific target market, learn what attracts them, what they want from a website and tailor it to your requirements so they actually click on your brand instead of scrolling to the next. Roll in some passion and inspiration here an extra tasty outcome.
Add a dash of listening to the consumer, for example, make the site easy to navigate even for the least techno-savvy of us, you want to enhance the customer experience, make them feel wanted, valued, which will, in turn, make them use your services again. Now fold in your knowledge of SEO, this seemingly basic skill can make all the difference to your end result, the more traffic you and get, the more chance you have of people using your services
Next whisk in those excellent interpersonal skills; this will help not only communication within your team, and making sure you’re all singing from the same page but will help with customer/supplier conflict resolution, because we all know life does not run smoothly. This, combined with actively listening to your target audience will build consumer confidence, which at the end of the day means they’ll come back for more!
You can now blend in your analytical skills; what is working, what isn’t? How can you change that? What ecommerce trends are standing out at the moment? Maybe look at how can you add a unique perspective that no one else is offering? You need to this to keep ahead of the game, you don’t want the same old same old because there is enough of that flooding the internet. You want to be able to keep current clients but also attract new customers to your products and site. At this point, we can add a pinch of your web design skills and knowledge, utilise what you’ve learned from your research to make a stunning end product!
And now bake.
The Result:
One Ecommerce Manager; a jack of all trades, the glue that holds the online presence together, the firewall between success and disaster, the engineer holding the wrench when a supposedly oiled cog breaks within the team. It’s not a role for the faint-hearted, but it is incredibly rewarding and will definitely keep you on your toes!